Thursday, July 29, 2010

Death by Elevator

Back before "Health and Safety" standards were a twinkle in the eye of law-makers anywhere, there existed a type of elevator that could thrill and chill at the same time. They are a dying breed (due to the fact they are ILLEGAL under EU law) but they can be found floating around a few old Prague buildings.

These are elevators that have no door and move in a continuous conveyor belt style. It doesn't stop on each floor, it just slowly goes continuously until it gets to the top and then slides over and begins the decent downwards in the same way. The brave traveler must carefully wait until the elevator is just at foot level and then jump in. The floors pass by in front of your eyes, and finger tips if you are brave enough to put a hand out. Then when the correct floor arrives, you jump out again. Calculate incorrectly and you
will find yourself sprawled on the marble floor.

Those elevator riders of the 1930s were living on the wild side.


Elizabeth said...

Oh, I remember these scary elevators. I feared for my life!

terra said...

That sounds awesome!

Amy Hadley said...

This would count as a day's worth of adventure, for sure. At least you don't have to tight rope to it.