Sunday, January 18, 2009

How they dressed the fairy tales

The Czechs have a lovely fairy tale culture. Not just that everything is rosy in the lovely land of Czechs, but they actually love to watch fairy tales on TV. Every Christmas season the television is full of beautifully filmed fairy tales.

These stories can be familiar, like Cinderella, or Popelka as she's known in Czech. Or the stories can be unique, like the many tales involving "Ĩerty" or little devils that reek havoc on unsuspecting humans.

There is an exhibition currently on display at Strahov Monastery entitled, "How they dressed the fairy tales." It is a collection of some of the most famous costumes of the Czech fairy tales. They detail on the costumes is intricate and fine. They colors are so bright and vivid, even though some of these dresses where used in the 1950s.

Go and enjoy the magic...

Monday, January 5, 2009

29 things to do while 29

I'm not big on New Year Resolutions but as I'm living up the last year of my 20s, here are some things I've resolved to do (not in any particular order):

1. Study Czech more! This means taking a course, missy.

2. Sticking with language, revise my Spanish.

3. Get back to the same weight I was at 26 by next Dec. Yes, it's quite doable.

4. Run a 5K Fun Run.

5. Renew my &@*& Czech visa. Oh, the joys of the foreign police.

6. Let my hair grow.

7. Exercise at least 4 times a week for 20 minutes.

8. Go to a museum, gallery or exhibition every month.

9. Keep my plants alive.

10. Take more photos. Post more photos. Hone my photography skills.

11. Visit Jana in Paris.

12. Read at least 2 books per month (I'm open to suggestions!)

13. Send at least 2 post cards every month.

14. Write.

15. Save money.

16. Cook more. Eat out less.

17. Try 1 new recipe per month. I have so many good recipe books. It would be a good excuse to invite friends round for a meal.

18. Take more baths.

19. Burn candles. They make me happy.

20. Watch Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, daily=).

21. Read the Bible cover to cover. (I think that could count as 2 books in one month;)...)

22. Explore a new Czech city.

23. Spend more time with H.

24. Go to a concert.

25. Listen.

26. Smile at more people. Smiles are important.

27. Call my bff at least once a month. That's right, Nan, we need to talk more in 2009.

28. Don't buy cheap chocolate. Only the dark, rich and expensive chocolate is truly satisfying=)

29. Turn 30;)