Friday, April 23, 2010

Botanical Garden Paradise

On the edge of Prague, along the river, is a quiet and green stretch called Troja. Here you can find the Prague Zoo, Troja Chateau (Trojsky zamek) and Prague Botanical Gardens. Last Saturday we spent a leisurely afternoon enjoying the Botanical Gardens.

Every month the Botanical Gardens change the exhibition. April and May bring a flutter of butterfly wings. The large greenhouse is full of tropical butterflies, blue and brown, red and yellow wings.

The exhibition is well developed. The green house is long and narrow, which keeps the crowds moving forward. There are beautiful tropic plants and mini waterfalls, interspersed with a creative use of plastic bottles modeled and shaped into flowers, crocodiles, insects and cactus.

Once the greenhouse's flora and fauna have been exhausted, there are many little trails to tramp around leading through leafy forests, Japanese gardens and beautifully groomed flower beds. An excellent day of feasting the eyes on color and beauty, and exercising the legs.

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