Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Opposite of Anticipation is Homesickness

In November I wrote about how I love Anticipation of travel. But what about when the trip is over? When the planning has turned into experience? When people you hugged a few days before are just images in photos?

Well, for me the opposite of Anticipation is Homesickness. Right now I am Homesick for a place I've only ever spent three weeks in. But that place held on to a piece of my heart and would not let me bring it back to Prague with me.

I have lots of Vietnam blog material swimming in my head. I want to write and write and write. But first, I'm waiting for this wave of missing to pass. I'm waiting to not crave fresh red chili peppers so much, to not desire sun so hot it feels like it melts all the winters that ever were from your bones, to not miss those sweet conversations with new friends who have much to teach and to give you.

Ok, I'm going to go find some ice, a can of condensed milk and some strong French-pressed coffee to drown my sorrows in. That's what the Vietnamese would do....

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