Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Aww, the planning. This is the stage of travel that I adore nearly as much as the actual journey. I love the tingle in my fingers as I turn guidebook pages and type in search engines. I love how my toes tap, wanting to already be walking on those new paths. I love how my eyes begin to be caught by the name of the place I'm going to and it seems that the place is suddenly everywhere: in the news, food, websites, blogs. Oh, sweet anticipation....

Why is this idea of planning and anticipating on my mind? Because I and my friend E are the excited owners of plane tickets to Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam. We are going to Southeast Asia in March to eat, walk, meet people, shop, eat more, feel, take photos and generally have an amazing few weeks together.

I kind of feel like a kid in a candy store when I think about it. Asia, I've missed you!

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