Monday, August 18, 2008

"Oh, give me a home/ Where the mushrooms roam..."

There is one thing you have to know about Tasci Gibson. Mushrooms. I love mushrooms. I love them fried, sauteed, raw in salads, on pizza, in pasta-honestly, there are very few foods I wouldn't put a mushroom on.

Ask my mom, it's been like this since I was in the womb. She craved mushrooms endlessly. And as a small baby I demanded a mushroom on everything I ate. So, not much has changed over the last 30 years.

When I moved to the Czech Republic I discovered my own holy grail of cultural wisdom: The Czechs love mushrooms too! Not only do they love them, but they go into the forest and pick them! I was delighted, overwhelmed and amazed that I had come to live in a country that appreciated fungus as much as me.

So, this weekend I began begging H. to take me mushroom picking. We go a couple times a year but usually in the autumn, when the weather is best. The best mushroom harvests are due to a combination of rain, warmth and moon cycles which are carefully calculated and analyzed. These calculations all pointed to no mushrooms in the forest according to my dear boyfriend. But I was having none of it. I wanted mushrooms. So being the loving, caring, patient man he is...H. drove me out of Prague to a forest.

We searched. We searched. We searched. There were no mushrooms to be found. (Sometimes I hate being wrong...) I did find a bit of yellow fungus that I'm told can be eaten but I'm not brave enough to try, I also found a four leaf clover and one mushroom that H. said I could eat once (i.e. poisonous). But I'm not deterred. I'll be back in that forest soon...Once I learn how to calculate the pull of the moon and its effect on fungus.

1 comment:

terra said...

mmmm... mushrooms. Love 'em!

H's humor is fantastic... you can only eat the mushroom once. :)