As I wandered through the winding lanes of Basel, I found a city that encapsulates everything I love about living in Europe in one little nutshell of a town.
A group of elderly men walked leisurely down the street and discussed the European central bank system in Italian. (Those semesters of Italian classes are still paying off...) Children ran home from school, making plans in French. The shop keepers greeted me in German. In this small town language, nationality and roots mix and blend and run into a beautiful tapestry. That is what I love about Europe.
Drive out of Basel and the calm pastoral countryside of France welcomes you with peace and quiet. The mountains roll and meander, hiding deep blue lakes and snow covered peaks. We laid on the soft grasses and breathed deep the cool air.
Charming. I don't think I ever really knew the full meaning of the word charming until I walked the streets of Colmar. Every step, every new street, every small canal made me catch my breath. It is enough to know that such beauty exists and that we humans had a hand in creating it. Charming.
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