There are so many things I love about the Czech Republic, but high on that list is the easy availability of walking trails. They are everywhere. No matter where you go, you will see the small green, blue, yellow or red squares painted on a tree or the side of a fence indicating that this is an official walking trail.
A great place to explore on these trails is the Berounka River valley. As this sluggish river winds its way through the crisp green foliage, little towns and villages sleepily await curious walkers. A few weekends ago my friend C. and I decided to go wake up these sleepy villages by speaking English in their streets and in their pubs.
We took a train to a little village called Srbsko (Serbia) and had a good filling Czech lunch to sustain our walk. Then we struck out for a small pilgrimage town called Svateho Jan pod Skalou. I'm afraid I don't know any of its historical significance beyond that there is a painting of Saint John above a spring that may bring you health if you drink it. (Or a bad case of stomach bacteria...)
We were feeling energetic after our 4 kilometer stroll to Svateho Jan, so we laughed at the sign indicating that Karlštejn Castle was 8.5 kilometers. We can do it! We are fit and young and adventurous!
After 2 kilometers of walking at what felt like a 90 degree angle up a never ending hill, we decided we were unhealthy and old and city folk and we wanted to go home! Luckily the hills evened out and our bodies adjusted and by the time we were in sight of the castle we said to ourselves, "That was no big deal! We could do it again right now." But we didn't. We had ice cream instead.
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